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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Show

So today, I went to Christian's Church's Christmas Show and this is slowly becoming one of my favourite parts of the Christmas Season (despite only going last year and this year). It's an amazing show full of carols, amazing talent, a reminder of the real meaning behind Christmas, fundraising for worthy causes, laughter, cuteness and everything needed to get you into the Christmas spirit.

I think too often people get carried away with the enjoyment of giving a receiving presents, and the decorating of the trees and the making of the cookies and almost forget why so many of us celebrate this special day. But the Christmas show really did remind me of the Christmas Story whilst also being an absolutely amazing night at the same time.

Anyway, I hope the lead up to Christmas has been fab-u-lous for all of you and you are truly in the Christmas spirit! Enjoy what's left of the Christmas season.


Friday, December 21, 2012

World Doesn't End and Early Christmas Presents!

Today I went over to Christians and we exchanged our Christmas presents for each other. So him being one of the most incredible people ever, got me just what I've been wanting for ages... a pot plant! I know, so exciting! Seriously though... Look...
Isn't he the cutest thing in the world?!?!? His name is Clarence and he sits very happily on my desk. Not only did he get me the gorgeous Clarence but I also got two OPI nail polishes, Greenwich Village and the Shatter Blue which are both amazing. Obviously I'll have to go with the green for Christmas but I'll be sure to try out the blue shatter in the new year. He also got me (because he is ever so wonderful) a set of Galaxy chocolate. Yum! I've already had some of it but I'm going to try save some for New Years so I can share it all with him.
In exchange (although it hardly makes up for the amazing presents he gave me), I got him a really nice shirt, chocolate kisses, Jelly Babies from the UK grocers (because English lollies are obviously superior) and one of his favourite chocolates; Dairy Milk's Black Forest.
Then we watched New Girl, cooked and ate sausage rolls for the first time in a while and then relaxed for the rest of the day. Oh and we also played Little Big Planet 2 together.
'Twas a wonderful day.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Spring to Summer

A crawl at first,
by with two feet planted firmly on the soft grass,
she rises.

Her first steps shaky,
hobbling forward,
falling down every once in a while.

Wriggling out of her coat,
she tries again,
pushing herself off the ground to stand.

Just as the rain can spoil
a spring day,
she falls again.

But just as the outbreaks
of a summer's sun shine through clouds,
she stands and takes another step.

Her movements 
slowly becoming steadier,
until her legs no longer quiver.

Finally making the transition
from a crawl to a walk
from spring to summer.